Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Re: Hayes Foundation Press Conference: Orange County Register Mention

Good Afternoon,

Many of you know that we have formed a new partnership to launch the This Side Up campaign  in Orange County, California taking things to a national level. I am heading to LA  to take part in a press conference on Thursday that will announce the launch. Hopefully we will get air time on all of the TV stations in the LA and surrounding area.

We are already getting some coverage!
We’re up and running on a blog on the OC Register.
Please share this with your friends.

Kyra Oliver
Founder and Chairman of the Board
Hayes Foundation

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Maui at Midnight, Baby--SIDS Event for Awareness

As April 18th approaches, the night of our annual fundraiser, I give thanks to the wonderful and amazing people who have put so much time and effort in helping us put on this event. I am overwhelmed with the generosity of time our volunteers have given and are still giving!

Thank you all so much. This night is not just about raising money so that we can continue our This Side Up program to promote SIDS awareness, but it is also about letting people know that SIDS is real. It happened to me. There will be another SIDS parent, Heather Kiegel who lost her daughter to SIDS not long ago, at the event. She also started a foundation in honor of her baby, Gwyneth. SIDS is something we do not want anyone else to experience. This is not about Hayes, this is about all of the babies in our community, in our nation, in our world.

With the utmost respect and appreciation, I thank you all.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Is Risk of SIDS Higher When Infant Sleeps Away From Home?

Hayes died while at his caregiver's home. I don't know if his death is associated with that. He was also on his tummy while taking a nap. I don't know about that either. SIDS is a category for when we don't know why they died. There is no known cause. Teh good news is that research is being conducted.

Investigators in Germany noted have several risk factors for SIDS, one of which is sleeping away from home. You can read the article here. 

"This study in general," the investigators conclude, "supports the current recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics," which call for parents put infants to sleep on their backs as opposed to their stomachs.