Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This Side Up Campaign Is Now In Florida

I am so proud that we are now in Florida! Our goal is to educate everyone-- mom's, dad's grandparents, siblings, anyone who keeps your child, so that NO ONE has to go through the tragedy of losing a child. 

We need to get this campaign across the country. The thing that is so special about this campaign is that the onesie is a way to educate without putting so much fear into our minds. What I mean is that no one wants to talk about SIDS-- they will turn their heads at the thought. It is too much. However, the onesie is adorable and opens the conversation. And if they don't want to talk, they will still get the message because the onesie is loaded with tips that may help. 

Kate Santich, a writer for the Orlando Sentinel,  joined us at the press conference last week. Read her perspective. She shares information about what Florida is doing to help save babies. She also notes the help of Matt Bryant, Tampa Bay Buccaneers kicker who also joined us at the press conference. 

The campaign is a joint effort by the Health Council of East Central Floridaand the Hayes Foundation, started in 2002 by Kyra Oliver of Richmond, Va., who lost her son Hayes to SIDS. Their mission, thanks to a $31,000 grant, is to send every baby born at an Orange County hospital home with a onesie that has "This Side Up… while sleeping" printed on the front.

Thank you, Florida! 

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